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Friday, July 4, 2008

Compensation Plan vs. Scam

If you're looking for a network marketing company. You should crunch the numbers of their compensation plan. It is simple mathematics, don't make it difficult because it's not.

It has 2 key features:
1) It works with the numbers
2) Average people (part timers) can build and prosper (the majority in your group will be average people)
Most network marketers are doomed from the get-go because the compensation plan they are working does not work with the numbers.

You have to become a numbers-crunchers or die. You may not like the numbers, you may not understand them. Doesn't matter. The numbers are reality. Either work with them, or sayonara.

Do you want a compensation plan that works for 97% of the people or a plan that works for 3%.
I love a company that lets me personally sponsor someone then place them anywhere in my group to maximize THEIR dollar payout. YOU build trust and retention this way.

So avoid any compensation plan that:
1. Limits your strategy to place personally sponsored people where you want.
2. Forces you to go wide.
3. Don't reward you for building deep.
4. won't work for average part-timers.

REMEMBER: Work with the numbers, not against them.
Choose a compensation plan that works with the numbers and the masses.

Most compensation plans do not benefit you, that's why you should crunch the numbers of the compensation plan. It could be working in their favor and it's not working for you at all.

I would like for you to listen to this.

How many people do you need in your downline?
Click here to listen now.

If there's one thing you should know, you have to get training and skills so that you will be successful. It is essential that you have a mentor/coach that will train you.

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Terri Pattio
Mentor with a servant's heart.

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