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Thursday, December 15, 2011

Viral Marketing - ReTweets Over And Over Again, That's What YOU Want On Twitter!

This means that you will be getting an extreme amount of exposure. In other words, the more followers you have the bigger your exposure(reach) will be. You want every one of your tweets to go viral and spread not only to your followers but to other people followers(OPF).

So what's the best way to do this, it's simple.

By having contagious content.
This is what people thrive on and using a few retweetable words and phrases that will trigger them to do what you want them to do. I will give you a list of some here:

1. you (is the most retweetable word)
2. Twitter
3. please
4. retweet
5. please retweet (this really works)
*Just try it and see. It's a call to action for your reader.
6. check this out
7. new blog post
8. how to
9. social media

The majority of retweets have links and they have nouns in them. Yes this is documented in a video I will present to you at the end of my post. This is just my interpretation of it, because on the video some of you might not understand the language that Dan Zarella is using. He really knows his stuff, and since I have been implementing these techniques already I can say for certain that they do work.

It is vital that you learn these principles and simple strategies so that your tweets will be retweeted and spread like wildfire. Viral marketing is power marketing, facts are facts and with sites like Twitter and Facebook it's the only way to go so that your marketing efforts online will be viral and become an epidemic that people will not stop talking about and sharing with their friends. They will never forget your tweeted message and it will continue to be retweeted over and over again.

This is viral marketing at it's finest and now without saying anything further, I will let you look at the video below now. Be sure that you have a full hour to dedicate to looking at it and have a pen and paper on hand because you will need it. Feel free to come back here and look at it again, and contact me with any questions about all of this.

Just leave a comment below and I will be reading it and replying if necessary.

The link below comes in a series of post, so be sure and read the other four post as they contain vital information to getting started with learning the viral marketing techniques.

RECOMMENDED READING: Viral Marketing - The Perfect Viral Campaign

Terri Pattio
Mentor with a servant's heart

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